"Tell me and I forget; show me and I may remember, involve me and I'll understand".
“Go to the edge, he said.

We are afraid that we will fall.
Go to the edge, he said.
They went. He pushed them……. and they flew.” G. Apollinari

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Thursday, 5 April 2012

Life vest inside

  • First, watch this video:
  • Second, write in your notebook the slogan: Life vest inside, because kindness keeps the world afloat. Draw a picture with the slogan and copy the letter of the song and translate it.
Song Lyrics: Kindness Boomerang/ One Day - Life Vest Inside

Sometimes I lay under the moon
And I thank God I'm breathin'
Then I pray don't take me soon
'Cause I am here for a reason

Sometimes in my tears I drown
But I never let it get me down
So when negativity surrounds
I know someday it'll all turn around because

All my life I been waitin' for
I been prayin' for, for the people to say
That we don't want to fight no more
They'll be no more wars
And our children will play, one day

It's not about win or lose 'cause we all lose
When they feed on the souls of the innocent blood
Drenched pavement keep on movin'
Though the waters stay ragin'

And in this life you may lose your way
It might drive you crazy
But don't let it phase you, no way

Sometimes in my tears I drown
But I never let it get me down
So when negativity surrounds
I know someday it'll all turn around because

All my life I been waitin' for
I been prayin' for, for the people to say
That we don't want to fight no more
They'll be no more wars
And our children will play, one day

One day this all will change
Treat people the same
Stop with the violence down with the hate
One day we'll all be free and proud
To be under the same sun
Singing songs of freedom like.
  • Third, practise the song in your home and then we are going to sing it in class. 
  • Finally, write your opinion in comment about these videos, until 20th April.

I hope that you have a happy moment with this activity.
Good work and good luck.


Raúl Cano Morales said...

Me parece muy bien porque se ayudan unos a otros.
Asi el mundo sera mejor y nos ayudaremos todos.

I feel very good because they help each other.
So the world will be better and help us all.

Javier said...

Yo creo que el vídeo nos hace pensar en que si nos ayudamos los unos a los otros el mundo funcionaría mejor que si no fuéramos amables.

I think the video makes us think that if we help each other the world would work better than if we were not friendly.

Iván Aguilera Ortíz said...

yo creo que la canción es bonita porque nos enseña a que hay que ser respetuosos con la gente

I think the song is nice because it teaches us that we must be respectful to people

Anonymous said...

Esta bonito eso de ayudar a la gente que lo necesita. Yo ayudo a todo el que puedo y ellos me ayudan a mi tambien. Y todos necesitamos alguna vez ayuda asi que siempre ai que ayudar.
This beautiful that to help people in need. I help all I can and they help me to me too. And we all need help sometimes so i always need help.

Pedro said...

Me encanta porque si todos ponemos un poco de nuestra parte el mundo no seria igual y si todos ayudamos a alguien tarde o temprano alguien nos ayudara cuando nos haga falta.

I love it because if we all do a bit of our part of the world would not be equal and if we all help someone sooner or later someone will help us when we need.

Ana Maria Camacho Guerrero said...

Este video nos ayuda a entender que debemos ser amables con todo el mundo para que haya paz y poder sacar el mundo adelente, es decir, que nos pongamos el salvavidas interior para que la humanidad no se hunda.
De esta forma todos saldremos beneficiados porque recibiremos gestos de agradecimiento. Si todos colaboramos, esto se convertirá en un ciclo.

This video helps us understand that we must be kind to everybody for peace and to make the world adelente, ie we put the life vest inside for mankind not to sink.
This way everyone will benefit because they receive gestures of thanks. If we all work together, this will become a cycle.

Ana Maria Camacho Guerrero
1º ESO

Ana Belén said...

La canción nos hace reflexionar sobre nuestro comportamiento con los demás y como podría ser el mundo si nos ayudáramos los unos a los otros. ¡Sería un mundo estupendo!

The song let us reflect on our behavior with others and as might be the world if we us help to each other.
It would be a wonderful world!

María Sevilla Lópes said...

Me a encantado la cancion es muy bonita y creo que lo que quiere enseñarnos esta muy bien .

I love the song is a very nice and i think this very well teach.

María sevilla López

David Cuevas Perez said...

Este video me gusta mucho por que es una cadena de favores. Si nosotros acemos lo mismo mantendremos el mundo a flote es decir aremos un mundo mejor.

I love this video because it is a chain of favors. If we keep the same acemos world afloat is arem a better world.

David cuevas perez

María Rico Carrascosa said...

Este vídeo me ha gustado mucho por que unas personas ayudan a otras, es como una cadena. A mí me gustaría que nosotros hicieramos lo mismo y así tendriamos un mundo mucho mejor.

This video I liked it that some people help others, is like a chain. I would like us to do the same and so would have a much better world.

María Rico Carrascosa. 2º ESO

Yisela said...

Yo creo que el video nos muestra la amabilidad, y que si todos fuesemos amables y ayudasemos a las personas necesitadas el mundo seria mejor. Todas las personas necesitan ayuda alguna vez, pero al igual que a nosotros nos gusta recibir la ayuda de otros, también tenemos que saber ayudar.

I think the video shows kindness, and that if we were all kind and us to help those in need the world would be better. Everyone needs help sometimes, but as we like to receive help from others, we must also know how to help.

Yisela Ortiz Ruiz 2 eso

Nerea said...

Este video nos enseña a que tenemos que ser mas amables y ayudar a todo el que lo necesire y asi tendremosun mundo mucho mejor.

This video teaches us that we must be more friendly and help everyone who necesire and so much better world.


Rocío Moraga Sanchez said...

The video really fun and teaches us that we must be kind to all the world.In the video is that when people help you are surprised as we are accustomed to not help one another.

El vídeo muy divertido y nos enseña que tenemos que ser amables con todo el mundo.En el vídeo se ve que cuando las personas se ayudan se quedan sorprendidas ya que estamos acostumbrados a que no nos ayudemos unos a los otros.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sebastián said...

El video para mi es muy bonito porque salen varias personas creando una cadena, en la que se van ayudando unos a los otros.
Si todas las personas fuéramos así el mundo iría mucho mejor de como va.
The video is very beautiful for me because they come many people creating a chain, which are helping each other.
If all the people we were then the world would be much better as it goes.

Elena said...

A mi me ha encantado este vídeo, porque nos influye en lo importante que es compartir y ser amables con los demás. Porque si nosotros podemos hacer todo eso el mundo será mejor.

I really enjoyed this video, because it influences how important it is to share and be kind to others. Because if we can do all that the world will better.

Elena Gordo Gámiz.

Victor said...

Me gusta mucho esté vídeo ya que el mundo funcionaría mejor si nos ayudaramos los uno a los otros.
Debemos de ser amables y ayudar a la gente.

I love this video because the world would work better if the one we us help others.
We must be kind and help people.

Ángela said...

El vídeo está muy bien. A mí, personalmente,me ha impactado el vídeo ya que la música lo compenetra mucho. Y si todos pusiéramos un poco de amabilidad, este mundo hiría mucho mejor.

The video is fine. I, personally, I was shocked the music video as pervading much. And if all we put a little kindness, this world would be better.

Ángela Uclés Luque 2ºESO

Unknown said...

Creo que este vídeo nos inspira a ayudar a los demás, para que nuestro mundo sea mucho mejor.

I think that this video inspires us to help others, to make our world better.


Maria Jose Gamiz Delgado said...

Me ha gustado mucho este vídeo. Es muy educativo y nos enseña que hay que ser amable con todas las personas, para crear un mundo mejor.

I really liked this video.I really liked this video. It is very educational and teaches us that we must be kind to all people, to create a better world

Anonymous said...

Me gusta mucho este video porque nos quiere decir que hay que ser amables y buenas personas.

I really like this video because it means you have to be kind and good people.


Inés said...

Me gusta mucho este vídeo. Nos hace darnos cuenta que si tu eres generoso con las persona ellos lo serán contigo y seguirán la cadena por todos los lugares de este mundo. Y además hace que nos fijemos en que la gente se extraña cuando ven que otras personas les están ayudarnos.

I love this video. It makes us realize that if you're generous with the person they are with you and follow the chain all the places in this world. And we look at it that people are surprised when they see that others are helping them.

Inés Leyva Gordo 2ºESO

Juan Fran said...

Me gusta este video porque expresa la amabilidad con las personas. A mi me a parecido bien y muy divertido.

I have liked this video because it expresses the kindness to people. I think it is very fun and interesting.

Juan Francisco Moreno Entrena 2ºESO

cristina Sanchez said...

The lifejacket
The lifejacket is that we should help people but not know anything, because if we help these people then we will be offset by other good works.
That seems to me very well and have a better world
Cristina Sánchez Pérez
2º ESO

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